David and Bathsheba - David's Great Sin"Why have you despised the word of the Lord by doing evil in His sight?"
2 Samuel 11:1 - 12:23
David e Bate-Seba - grande pecado de Davi
"Por que você desprezou a palavra do Senhor, fazendo o mal aos seus olhos?"
2 Samuel 11:01-12:23
David’s Sin with Bathsheba

Story Overview: Although David was a good king, there came a time when he did not choose to follow the Lord. When he looked across from the roof of his palace, he saw a beautiful woman, Bathsheba, bathing. This led David to commit adultery with Bathsheba. When Bathsheba became pregnant, David arranged to have her husband murdered so that he could marry her. The prophet, Nathan, confronted David with his sin. David’s heart was such that he repented of his sin and asked the Lord to forgive him.

2 Samuel 11-18
In these chapters of Samuel, we learn a great deal about grievous times in the life of David. These scriptures reflect the outcome of David's sin with Bathsheba and how the judgment of the LORD unfolds.Nestes capítulos de Samuel, aprendemos muito sobre tempos difíceis na vida de David. Estas escrituras refletem o resultado do pecado de Davi com Bate-Seba e como o julgamento do Senhor se desenrola.

Three examples are:
- King David’s adultery with Bathsheba (2 Sam. 11-12). He sinned and then tried to hide the sin and made it worse by having Bathsheba’s husband killed. After being convicted by Nathan’s parable, he confessed his sin and repented (Ps. 51). Then he was restored and David and Bathsheba reared Solomon.
- Israel’s idolatry. The minor prophets Hosea, Joel and Amos accused the Israelites of being unfaithful to God and named their sins. They called for repentance and stressed that restoration only comes after repentance.
- The prodigal son (Lk. 15:11-32) The son took his inheritance and wasted it in a distant country. He finished up destitute and eating the pigs food. Later he came to his senses and returned home and confessed to his father. Then he was restored to his family.
Adam recognised that she was his companion when he said “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” (v.23). Together they were called “man” (Gen. 1:26-27). “When God created mankind, He made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And He named them ‘Mankind’ when they were created” (Gen. 5:1-2). She was called “woman”, which means “taken out of man” (v.23). Later she was called “Eve”, which means “life” (Gen. 3:20).
This account teaches the unity of mankind. All people have a common ancestor in Adam—he’s at the beginning of the family tree.

Adam and Eve were the first husband and wife (v.25). I think they were married on the sixth day of creation. They had a perfect wedding, even though there were no other people there! It has the key elements of a marriage ceremony. God gave her to Adam; “He brought her to the man” (v.22). And God pronounced them husband and wife: the Creator said “That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh” (v.24, Mt. 19:4,5). Adam and Eve were a perfect husband and wife in a sinless world.
Here God is establishing marriage as the basic institution of society. Jesus (Mt. 19:4-6; Mk. 10-6-9) and Paul (Eph. 5:31) quoted v.24 when they taught about the marriage of one man to one woman. Whenever Adam and Eve are mentioned together in the New Testament it is to illustrate the roles of husbands and wives in marriage (1 Cor. 11:8-9; 1 Tim.2:13-14).
Are Adam and Eve in heaven?


We are saddened by the loss of our brother Karl. He was dearly loved and will be sorely missed.
C. S. Lewis reminds us that Christians should never say ‘goodbye,’ rather we should say ‘until we meet again.’
We look forward to our reunion with Karl.
Sunday we continued our Moses series with a discussion of Exodus chapter twenty-four.
1) Why did God write the ten commandments in stone?
Jack said that stone has significance in the bible. Rock is a symbol for Jesus as is the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark contains the stone tablets. Jesus kept the law perfectly — he led the perfect life in your place.




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